Plate heat exchanger in power generation and energy storage

Weather using fossil fuels, waste or biomass fired heating plants or power plants, the thermal tasks are similar regardless of the fuel used. Heat exchangers are used as condensers, condensate sub-cooling, feed water pre-heating and heat extraction. Some distinctions lie in the operating temperatures or the flow rates. In nuclear power plants heat exchangers are also used for cooling of wet storage. Heat exchangers operate as gas and electrolyte coolers for storing renewable energy with electrolysis plants.

The following examples show the experience of GESMEX in these areas:

Steam turbine condenser

The main task of condensers, after steam turbines, is the complete condensation of the vapor from the turbine exhaust. This prevents back pressure, ensuring the maximum performance of the turbine. The condensate is then recycled back into the process.

XPS - Plate & Shell heat exchangers are high performance condensers, with a close temperature approach and compact footprint minimising the water use and structual steelwork. The cylindrical shell design allows large connection at steam inlet and smaller connection at steam outlet.

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 Post-condenser of a steam turbine

Plate & Shell, XPS 150
countercurrent flow, fully welded
Installation site:

Condensate subcooling & heat extraction

Sub-cooling the condensate, ensures complete condensation is achieved, even in periods of low heat demand. Cooling can be done via an open re-cooling circuit or via heat recovery, boosting a district heating network or used in industrial applications as process heat.

XPS - Plate & Shell heat exchangers are well suited for sub-cooling duties due to the very compact design and high heat transfer rates. Multi-pass configurations enable long thermal lengths, achieiving very close temperature approaches.

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 Condensate cooler in a steam power plant

Plate & Shell, XPS 100
both sides openable
crossflow, multi-pass by an external bypass circuit
Installation site:

Feedwater preheating

Boiler feed water can be pre-heated in two stages:

The feed water is first heated to just below the bubble point before the feedwater dearator.

It is then heated further before entering the boiler to minimize the sensible heat required in the boiler.

XPS - Plate & Shell heat exchangers are preferably used with steam: low-pressure steam before feedwater dearation, medium or high pressure steam before it enters the boiler.

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 Feedwater heater before dearation

Plate & Shell, XPS 50
counter flow, fully welded
Installation site:

Cooling of cool-down basins

In the the nuclear industry, heat exchangers cool down water bath where spent fuel elements are stored. The storage usually lasts for several years, until the the fuel elements can be transported.

XPT - Thermo Plate heat exchangers are used as water-cooled immersion coolers. The cooling elements are designed to fit the tanks, and fixed where suitable.

In addition to the usual pressure vessel codes, extensive manufacturing and testing to satisfy the safety regulations of nuclear power plant are met.

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 Immersion coolers for wet storage

XPT Thermoplate
material, pressure and temperature resistance according to individual project specification
Installation site:

Gas and electrolyte cooler in electrolysis plants

Gas coolers in hydrogen electrolysis plants cool hydrogen and oxygen obtained by the electrolytic decomposition of water. In particular the hydrogen is used for energy storaging to stabilize the power generation from renewable energy. The electrolyte must be cooled during operation.

XPS - Plate & Shell heat exchangers are used for hydrogen coolers, oxygen coolers, electrolyte coolers and pre-heaters.

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Hydrogen cooler in an electrolysis plant of a hybrid power plant

Plate & Shell, XPS 50
crossflow, openable, multi-pass, with service opening
Installation site:

Heat exchangers in utility systems and for heat recovery

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In addition to process-specific tasks, GESMEX plate heat exchangers are also used in numerous auxiliary and utility systems, such as: heating of cleaning solutions, cooling lubricant oil, drying copmressed air, jacket cooling, ...

GESMEX plate heat exchangers are used for heat recovery from exhausst vapors or flash steam, in sewage systems, for heat recovery or power generation from waste gases ...